Poetry Pond
This is my paper, my mind is the pen




Wednesday, December 24, 2003

This is my Christmas/holiday present to everyone. Enjoy!!
A true Christmas gift
doesn't come in a box.
It doesn't have a receipt,
you can't take it back to the store.
It doesn't come from a store.
It's not wrapped in pretty paper.
It's not topped with a big red bow.
You can't see it.
You can't play with it.
You can't open it.

A true Christmas gift
comes from the lips.
It comes from arms embracing you.
It comes from the care shown toward you.
It comes in the smiles flashed at you,
and the twinkle in the eyes of those around you.
Love and humanity are the only true Christmas gifts.
So I leave you with a kiss and a smile.
Merry Christmas to all!

posted by:Russ at 12:15 AM | Post Page | 0 comments

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