Poetry Pond
This is my paper, my mind is the pen




Sunday, February 29, 2004

Random stuff about I'm not sure what . . .
Let us play in the gardens
Let us slide in the snow
We're children of destiny
And nowhere to go

Let us fly on a breeze
Let us feel the heat
Give us our bread
Give us our meat

We're children of forever
Or maybe it's never
If you give us a chance
We can be very clever

Let us dream a dream
Let us pick a flower
We can turns seconds and minutes
to hours

We're children of life
We're children of now
Let us play in your world
And we'll show you how

posted by:Russ at 12:39 AM | Post Page | 0 comments

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Randomness late at night...


She talks in her sleep
She tells them all her secrets
She's digging really deep
Finding he who she has not met yet

She dreams of all the world
She'd give it all up if she had to
She can't stand the strain of it all
She's stretching like a string

On an old violin
She might sing you a tune
But you've got to pay for it
With a kiss, or a promise

She stands at the edge of awareness
She screams out for her sanity
It screams back an obscenity
She turns away, to find her home of madness

"I'm home. I'm home, and I feel it."

posted by:Russ at 12:50 AM | Post Page | 0 comments

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