Welcome to the Poetry Pond. My name is RF Duck (well, not really, but that's my online name). Those of you who are reading this from the link on my main blog need no introduction to me. For everyone else though:
I am a 23 year old near-college graduate who loves music, reading, and enjoying the quieter moments in life. I also love to read poetry, and I read it for the mere pleasure of it. I'm not a poetry snob by any means, just someone who appreciates the beauty of it. I also write poetry, and this blog is sort of an official entry for me into the world of poetry writing.
Up until now, I've mostly written poems for people, about those people - very intense, personal poems. I may post some of those on here as well. Now, though, I'm starting to write general poems, just for the fun of it. When I write a poem, I'm not trying to get perfect meter or even perfect rhyme. Poetry, to ME, is about feelings, emotions, ideas. I think that the expression of those things is much more important than the technical perfection of the poem. I know others will disagree, but in my poetry writing, those are my values. That said, I still try to make the poems sound good, and if I decide to rhyme, I try to make the rhymes work. But rhyming or not, metric or not, logical or not, what matters to me is whether I'm satisfied with the poem.
I hope you all enjoy my poetry, and I may publish poems by my friends here as well. And if my readers want me to publish their work, then that works too. It doesn't even have to be poetry, any kind of writing is good for me.
Have fun reading my stuff, and let me know what you think!!
-RF Duck
posted by:Russ at 8:10 PM |
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