Poetry Pond
This is my paper, my mind is the pen




Monday, June 30, 2003

Inspired by a phrase used in a chatroom . . .

Emotional Knives

Emotional knives
Cut so deep
You bleed til you die
But everything stays dry
Sharp edge not of metal, but of words

Feel it get thrown into your vulnerable skin
No matter how deep it goes, you must take it out
Only you can tend the wound
Don't let them make it worse

Emotional knives are hard, solid, cold
But you can soften the blow
You can protect yourself with the armor of love
You will bleed and bleed and bleed and bleed
But you'll have hope when you have love
If you want to get even, you must put down the knives of emotion
and replace them with a gold-tipped bullet of compassion
Surrounded by the cutlery of hate
Love has the final word

posted by:Russ at 11:49 PM | Post Page | 0 comments

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Your hair
So brown and lovely
Long and flowing
Like a dark river
Tumbling into a waterfall
Tumbling down your shoulders
I want to drown in that river of gothic softness
Ride the dark waves down to the double peaks
And make myself a home in the deep red firey core

It takes me there
Makes me stop and stare
It is beyond compare
Your hair

posted by:Russ at 10:57 PM | Post Page | 0 comments

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Yay, a new poem to read!! But it's not a happy poem. I'm writing it because I miss a good friend of mine. She's an online friend, and is at a work conference in Las Vegas. I do not know when she'll be back online, and I miss her very much.

When you're gone

When you're gone
There's something missing from my life
When you're not here
I can't stand it

Every second I wish you were back again
Every minute I feel the need come back to me
I watch time go by, and I keep wondering
If now is the time you'll come back
Not knowing is what kills me the most

I'm not complete without you
You give me a purpose, you give me something to anticipate
Too much anticipation is bad for the heart
But I know that when you return our love will grow even stronger

I want you again so badly
I don't feel right when you're away
When you're with me, it makes my day
I know it's a matter of time
But time seems slower
When you're gone

posted by:Russ at 3:53 PM | Post Page | 0 comments

Sunday, June 08, 2003

New poem written!! I wrote it today, when I went out to the Willamette River footbridge. The Willamette River flows through Eugene, Oregon (my hometown) and it's one of the most popular and important natural resources in our area. I've lived at the University, just five minutes away from the river, and it has inspired me. So, today I went there and looked and listened and felt and wrote a poem for the river. It's called . . . River.


Bridge of concrete
Long and gray, strong and cool
Let them pass
Show them what lives underneath you
Step outside the city, weary traveler
Bicycle rider
Dog walker
Come to the river.

I see your kayaker, wielding oar
I hear your gentle rushing roar
It's hot up here
You look so cool down there
I want to step inside you
Penetrate your being,
So that you can cool me
Wet and cold on my skin
Make the heat disappear.

Your voice calls, a drone of rapids
Ever steady, ever present
Where do you find your voice?
Why is it so beautiful?

You flow, you rush
You tumble, you crush
So violent, but so orderly
I see your waves in battle against each other --

Ahhh, breeze! You cool me. I am now in your debt--

I see your colors, river
Black there, blue here
Green there
And the whiteness of your pain as your waves are born
Born from the Father Rock
And Mother Grass.

So beautiful
So strong
As you move along
I christen you "Life", for life is like yourself
Born in chaos, tossed about
Then flowing into peace
Becoming one with itself.

It never stops, it flows along
Such a process
Such a peaceful element
Of expectations and reliability
You repeat yourself
And in this world of unpredictability,
I treasure the peace you bring in the flow of you.

Oh stone!
Oh grass!
Oh log!
You're in its way
But you are never harmed
The river fights itself
But it respects its brothers and sisters
I see you, floater, kayaker
The river cares for you too
If you care for it
Respect will carry you downstream
Belligerence will suck you under.

Oh River!
You look so pure
You look so frosty cool
I want to swim in and be one with you
But the time has not yet come.

The time has not yet come.

posted by:Russ at 5:14 PM | Post Page | 0 comments

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